
Distance Acupuncture Sessions:

These are safe, and effective treatments available to those who live anywhere.  Distance Acupuncture  is a modality allowing us to treat patients who are not physically in our presence by phone or by video telehealth.. This approach utilizes multiple modalities, including acupuncture, traditional chinese medical theory, Tong Ren therapy, medical qi gong and intuitive guidance.  

We begin with setting an appointment involving a short intake of medical problems, and thus creating healing goals.  In that first appointment we will begin treatment.  We invite you to set aside 30 mins with additional time ( roughly 20 +mins) after each appointment for rest and integration of the healing.  During the Distance Acupuncture session, we invited you to sit or lay down in a comfortable environment as you would in our clinic.  This way you can be aware of any sensations you may feel in your body.  

The Acupuncturist will begin by scanning the patient’s body and energy systems and then place the invisible needles for healing.  Once the healing is complete the patient and acupuncturist will discuss the treatment, course of action recommended, and check in to see how the patient has responded to the treatment. 

During a Distance Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncturists will use either an acupuncture doll, a sketch of the patient, or use themselves as a proxy. The Acupuncturist may incorporate the use of additional modalities such as tuning forks, sound or biowave devices, crystals, Tong Ren or Medical Qigong to direct the energy to transform the imbalances and areas of stagnant energy. Acupuncturists may also utilize Moxibustion to help tonify, strengthen, and calm the client.  With Distance Acupuncture the focus is on transforming blocks in the energy system.

Distance Acupuncture is a mind body modality which is not limited to time and space.  You may experience latent healing effects days after your appointment as you would with an in person acupuncture appointment.  

Does Distance Acupuncture Work?

Yes, Distance Acupuncture Works! For hundreds of years, Distance Healing has been practiced in the East and more recently in the West. More and more research is recognizing that we are all joined through a connection of oneness. This connection allows for Distance Acupuncture to be transmitted over long distances.

I have noticed over the years that my clients sometimes respond instantaneously, but some respond with a delay or no sensation at all. But even at that, the improvements come. They are often more relaxed, discomforts relieved, an improvement in aches and pains, mental clarity, and more, just as it would in an in-person acupuncture session.

Fee: $75 - $150 per appointment

Self pay only. No Insurance accepted for these appointments.